Project Types & Administration

The Open Society Georgia Foundation provides funding to the projects accepted on the basis of the competitions announced under the existing programs as well as to the projects submitted as a part of the free competition. The free competition is the case when the applicant submits the project in line with the program priorities but is not limited in time terms. Therefore the review of these projects takes place periodically. The information given below will get you familiar with the procedures related to the project submission, granting and post-granting processes.

1. Project proposal

There are several standard forms for submitting a grant application to Open Society Georgia Foundation.

  1. Competition project proposal;
  2. Non-competition project proposal;
  3. In-house project;
  4. Partner project proposal;
  5. Project proposals for founding spin-off organization and its further support;
  6. Network project proposal;
  7. Project proposal submitted in terms of a joint competition.


          2. Competition

2.1. Competitions are announced in terms of the foundation program/project;
2.2. Information regarding competition and its conditions is published on the foundation web-page, on the board in the foundation office and/or published via at least one means of information;
2.3. Two or more project proposals by one organization can be submitted in case if each project are submitted by the different structural unit of this organization;
2.4. An applicant may participate in a competition while implementing current project approved by the foundation. In this case, a project proposal can be financially supported if it concerns field other than the first or, in its content its implementation is not related to the project proposal already supported by the foundation. In such case, the applicant shall provide justification that starting a new project doesn't interfere with the implementation of the old one insofar as the applicant has a command of additional human resources for its performance.

          3. Project proposal application form

3.1. All types of project proposals shall be submitted in the standard application form of the foundations (please, download);
3.2. The project proposal is not returned to the applicant.

          4. Informing applicant about the decision on project approval

4.1. Information on project approval is provided to the applicant in a written form or by phone;
4.2. Information on approved projects will be published on the foundation web-page as well as on the board of the foundation office within the dates set in competition conditions.

          5. Rules of reporting

Grantee shall submit narrative and financial reports to the foundation.

5.1. Narrative report:
5.1.1. The grantee is expected to submit mid-term reports to program manager/coordinator;
5.1.2. The grantee is expected to submit a final report in the foundation standard form (please, download) within two months after ending the project;
5.2. Financial report
5.2.1. The grantee is expected to submit to grants section the financial documents (contracts, orders, invoices, etc) supporting the purposeful expenditure of money within a week after each stage of project implementation.
5.2.2. If a grantee is a private person, he/she is expected to submit original financial documents to the foundation;
5.2.3. If a grantee is a legal person, he/she is expected to submit copies of original financial documents;
5.2.4. In order to proceed with financing the next stage of the project, the grantee is expected to submit documents on the expenditure of at least 70% of the money transferred for the previous stage;
5.2.5. Undocumented expenditure can be accepted within USD 25 (or its equivalent amount in national currency) on the basis of written justification;
5.2.6. The grantee is expected to submit the final financial report in the foundation standard sheet (please, download) within a months after ending the project.

6. Altering dates of project implementation

6.1. Alteration of dates of project implementation is possible on the basis of a letter by grantee containing a justification of the necessity for altering dates;
6.2. The executive director takes a decision on altering dates of project implementation on the basis of a recommendation by a project manager/coordinator and grants administrator.


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